Yvonne C. Lodico

FOUNDER, Executive Director

Yvonne Lodico, as Founder and Director of Grace Initiative Global, oversees refugee resettlement in Vermont (based in Manchester) through Office of Refugee Resettlement Matching Grant Programs and Bureau for Population, Refugee, Migration, through affiliation with Episcopal Migration Ministries. In addition, develops programs for engagement and innovation in peacebuilding and humanitarian delivery. Previously, Ms. Lodico served with the United Nations as staff member in the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, on UN peacekeeping missions and in the UN Secretariat.  As head of an office at the UN Headquarters, she conceptualized and managed 120 workshops and seminars on topics related to inter alia humanitarian law, human rights, diplomacy and negotiations; developed several new learning tools including e-learning, produced research papers, and created new partnerships with private sector and academic institutions.  Ms. Lodico served as a special advisor for the Secretary-General for constitutionalism on the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT).  One of her achievements on the mission was the conceptualization and development of the Democratic Governance Forum, under the banner of “Together Let’s Strengthen Democracy.” Ms. Lodico served on UN missions in sub-Sahara Africa in conflict and post-conflict environments.  Ms. Lodico has published and given presentations on democratic governance, peacekeeping, humanitarian intervention, stem cell research and faith, faith and pluralistic societies. Ms. Lodico has received awards and scholarships from Yale University Divinity School, two awards, including humanitarian service from European Academy of Economic and Cultural Relations, and New York State Bar Association.  Ms. Lodico holds advanced degrees in law, international affairs, and theology including from New York University School of Law, Columbia University, SIPA; and, Religion, Yale University Divinity School.
